Yesterday I said to Chris "Happy Father's Day minus 2" to which he responded "maybe minus 1." An optimist, I could use more of that! Chris and I started this tradition when he sent flowers and a card which read: Happy negative 1 anniversary, 1 year before our wedding date.
I was going to get him a card, but Father's Day cards are such a let down. I am reminded of this every year when I shop for our dad's. Mother's Day cards are sweet, sentimental and sometimes funny. Father's Day cards always say something like: "Dad, you were always _______ (fishing, watching TV, playing golf, grilling) while mom raised me." Geez, what a complex we are giving our dads! Both Chris and I had dads who were 100% involved: coaching teams, leading scouts, taught us to drive, ride bikes, fish, etc. I can remember my dad patiently trying to get eye drops in my eyes when I was 4 (pink eye, of course) long after my mom (the nurse) gave up! He was a little less patient with driving, but his life may have been on the line. I know Chris will be a great dad too. He'll give baths, put band aides on boo-boos, read stories, go camping, and he better teach the kids to drive because I still haven't mastered the manual transmission or parallel parking!
So thank you to our dads! And next year we'll make our own greeting cards!
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