For so long we've been thinking about this child abstractly. Now she has a name, a face- she's real! We're so excited for her to come home. We stare at her one blurry picture, watch the videos over and over. Subject our friends, colleagues, family members- anyone we come in to contact with to watch the videos with us.
At the same time, I can't help but think- are we ready to do this? Are we old enough? How are we going to pay for this? We thought we had 2 more years of waiting. And of course- I can't believe they are letting us do this! We worked hard for this adoption for so long, I can't believe its happening already. We're happy we don't have to wait 18-24 more months, but in just 2 months everything is going to change.
Her things starting arriving- a high chair and some clothes from friends, a car seat from my sister, we ordered her bed this weekend.
What a whirlwind of emotions- I'm so excited, the whole thing feels surreal and then the underlying fear that this whole thing could fall apart.
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