Monday, April 9, 2012


We had our traditional Easter dinner at our house.  After church on Sunday, several of our friends came over for dinner of potatoes, asparagus and lamb.  We got to use our new* grill. (New to us).

Orthodox Easter, celebrated in Bulgaria, is next Sunday.  On Good Friday, Bulgarians crawl under the altar.
I asked my host family why they did this, but they didn't know.  I saw it on Globe Trekker, I think they were in Romania.  It was supposed to symbolize Christ going into the tomb.  
On Saturday before Easter, everyone heads to the Church at midnight.  At midnight, a mass is said and the congregation walks clockwise around the church holding yellow beeswax candles.  If your candle goes out, it means you have sinned, maybe- or that is a superstition. 
On Easter, family and friends come over.  Everyone selects a dyed hard boiled egg.  (The first egg dyed at every house must be red).  You then challenge guests to tap their eggs.
The egg that breaks loses, and the winner goes on to tap other people's eggs.  The trick is to hold your egg tightly in your fist and tap the pointiest part of your egg to the side of the other person's egg. 
My egg beat Chris's, but it was more pink than red.
Happy Easter!

1 comment:

  1. That is interesting how they celebrate Easter in Bulgaria-Especially crawling under the altar!
