Sunday, March 10, 2013

It's official

Friday we had our court date, it's official this peanut is ours! Th thirty day period was up and the courts decision was in our favor.  We then trekked back to the birth village for the new birth certificate with anticipated difficulty, apparently the woman in that office is notorious for being difficult.  Then 3 hours to Budapest to the passport office.  That wasn't too bad thanks to our facilitator.  Tomorrow is the appointment with the embassy the we can go home!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Little trip

This week we took a little trip to Pecs (which is pronounced more like Paige).  It's a rough guides don't miss top pick and a European cultural capital this year.  It's totally worth a visit.  We took the train down from Budapest.  Hungarian trains are very nice, some even have wifi.  They are  much cheaper than trains in the states and not only does your child under 6 travel free, the parents get a family discount.  So it's cheaper than 2 adults traveling alone.
In Pecs, there are many international people due to the large university with classes in english.  We met an American-Hungarian family with a few biological kids and an adopted one about our peanuts age.  Our little lady had a blast playing with the kids- they had all kinds of cool toys like a play kitchen and doll stroller that were big hits.  But the best part was the piano, I have never seen her so engaged for such an extended period of time.  No I take that back, best part was the girls, our little one loves to play with bigger girls, and they had 2 a bit older than her.  It was nice for us parents to be able to talk to someone else too.
We've got some busy days ahead of us, might not post for a while.  We have to get the Hungarian courts decision from the regional government seat and the updated birth certificate from. The birth village.  The it's off the embassy for all the documents to return home.  We will be home in 1 week!