Saturday, January 14, 2012

Talking in your sleep

My husband often sleep talks.  It's usually hilarious.  It's so funny that I keep a notebook on my night table to write down what he says.  Once he said "if you sing while you eat, I'll give you all the money you need."  I can't even type that without laughing.  I have no idea what that means and he can't explain it either. 
Last night he jumped out of bed and pulled the cord on the ceiling fan- which was not on as it is winter.  I asked him what he was doing and this is what I wrote down from last night (he's C, I'm K):
C- I don't want the stuff to get on Kaylee
K- What stuff?  Who's Kaylee?
C- The stuff from the attic is blowing
K- No it isn't.  Who's Kaylee? (we don't have an attic, only a crawl space and there isn't a hatch to get into it)
C- Kaylee, you know
K- Who's Kaylee, is she from work?
C- No, she was here the other day
K- nobody was here the other day
C- The little girl from work
K- Your work?  There are no kids there
C- Nevermind
And he lays back down and goes to sleep.

I asked him about it the next morning.  He said he had a dream that the insulation was coming out of the crawl space and the ceiling fan was blowing it around.  I asked him about Kaylee, but he didn't remember that part.  We don't know any Kaylee's and there are no kids where he works, its a secure building- even I can't go in to the office. I wonder where he got that name, it wasn't on our short list!  I guess kids/ the adoption were on his mind last night when he went to bed.  :-)

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