Saturday, March 3, 2012

New Homestudy Agency

This is our first adoption, so we're not always sure what to expect.  But our home study application was sent in the first week of February, and we have yet to hear back from them.  2 and 1/2 weeks later the check was cashed, but still no contact from them.  I didn't want to seem pushy, so I called them once a week.  I have called 4 times and e-mailed twice and nothing.  I can't think of a job where you can wait 3 weeks to call a client back.  So with much regret and trepidation, we are looking for a new home study agency. 
We spoke with our main adoption agency, and they said get out -a slow/ bad social worker can ruin everything.  (By the way, when we send checks to them, we get an e-mailed receipt before the check even clears our bank).
I'm upset because I can't believe the social worker could be so heartless.  A lot of people adopting already have the child lined up- could be a niece, nephew, cousin and that child is stuck in foster care because the social worker can't get her act together.  I just can't understand why she is so selfish.  Just return a phone call, its your job. 
I'm frustrated because there are so few agencies that operate in our state.  If you look on the State Department, Health and Human Services or our State CPS website, they all have only 2 agencies listed- but each site has 2 different agencies.  I wish people would review home study agencies on yelp or google, but I can't find any comprehensive list and so few are even reviewed.  I tried joining a local list serv (yahoo group) for international adoptive parents, but still haven't gotten approved. 
So, we are back in square one, minus $250 because of the initial fee paid to the Lutherans, maybe unless the check was cashed by some one else- but how could we know because they don't take phone calls or respond to e-mails or send receipts.  
Funny, we can't even get a hold of them to say- forget it, we're using another home study agency.

Any tips for tracking down a good agency? 

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